Saturday 2 July 2011

The seas of gratitude

Joyous are the ones born with deep minds. Minds with the power to feel the insight of life's true nature. It's often said that god made man in his own image. A few of us truly posses such a power. There may be many books preaching ways to be happy, but the fact 'lies' in the 'truth'.
We meet people everyday. A few of them a seem propitiously blessed disregarding the notions of worldly gains of wealth, health and their likes. On the contrary, a few seem doomed with the weight of the skies and their foreheads look like contouring maps of forbidden lands.

It's never about what you sow, that will ensure your fruits. It's about where it get's sowed, what soil and conditions it may get that will ensure your fruits. The mind plays tricks on us, telling us things we want to hear. The truth is that a few people like the seeds are lucky to find apt conditions to grow. No matter where they are born or how brilliant or light headed they may be, the unforeseen conditions are the only factor that shall determine the health of the plant, and the juiciness of the fruit. You could be a string of grass, or a beautiful gulmohar, or a great red wood, without the right conditions your real happiness may never be achieved.

The truth is about a guiding force, that will help you get the unforeseen into the light of awareness. The ones that truly understand this nature of our world find themselves in the cradles of peace and harmony. Their hard work never seems to go in vein, and no matter how high their goals maybe, they never seem too far out of reach. I would like to ask these wise minds to thank the almighty, who instilled these thoughts that allow them to stay forever joyous.

Friday 22 April 2011

The first flight

The wind flowing through my hair feels like nirvana personified. Standing on hights does have it's share of fun, but when the wind blows, it triggers off the emotions that add soil to the moment. I was thrown aback for a few years, and i saw my self on the terrace of my building. I was relaxed. After the mighty endeavors, I had finally succeeded to make my yellow kite manage itself in the calm, cloudless blue sky. It had grappled up a short breeze to reach higher windy altitudes. Things become comfortable, and I was hopelessly smiling at the kite, imagining it thanking me. Time moved slowly, till me and my kite were joined by a few other kites, and their runners.

There are a few common terms used by kite flyers in India, Lapet[ when one flyer triers to fight another flyer or his opponent by pulling in his own kite with great velocity, to produce enough friction between the threads of the two kites, so as to cut off the opponent's kite] is an aggressive technique used to cut out competition in the sky. Another phrase used is Dheel[ when the flyer allows the winds to pull the kite, and achieve friction to cut of the aggressive opponent's kite]. This is an expression used for-chilling out. The winner here, is the man whose kite stays the highest in the sky, and for the longest time. No matter how many kites you cut, If you get cut, you are out of the game.

My yellow kite seemed quite high, and my inexperienced hands knew little, let alone act. The Red and Black kite, as i recall came swooning into a loop, and almost slit my cord of control. The threat of losing out on the hard work I had put into getting it up there was very real! 
LAPET !!, I heard a boy shout from another terrace.This was the first time I had triumphantly succeeded to get a kite to fly, and now it may all be fruitless. Captiousness of the kite and it's flyer was contagious. I did get the militant vibe to beat that kite up, but my unripened awareness defeated the purpose.  All of a sudden a great wind came in and my kite accelerated with it, producing friction that hacked of the convulsive kite flyer. I looked back to see the boys on the other terrace who were now trying to save their tattered flying cords from the urchins.

A lot of kites came after that day, challenging me, and I have often helplessly seen my kite float away on the warm currents,. But i learnt something really momentous from this joy of mine. Most of my victories came when I stayed calm, and tried to let my kite survive the sky, rather than the times when i tried to sever other kites.

In reality, the only way to touch the sky, 
is to let yourself fly high, 
pulling others down is a waste of a try.  

Thursday 21 April 2011

With the coming falls

The fact is, that when a person sets a goal, the reasons are not, or to be precise 'never' deduced with factors of logic, data and experience. All dreams and aspirations sound as deceitful as the trance we get into while asleep. 
These objectives are based on emotive and poignant events that occur in ones early life. These events provide strong ground for an individual to realize a true need of achievement, and then the goals are set. 
Most of them give up before giving it a single shot. Some 'try it out', but since there is no logical backing to the goals, they soon get disillusioned and drop the plan. A fewer group that realize the fallaciousness of it all, start evaluating ways to work on it, but along with this, make the mistake of creating backups for themselves. They end up working harder on the backups than on their dreams. 
A small valiant, stalwart group refrain themselves from backups, and get fueled by fervent attitudes and focus only on one solitary aim. These individuals withstand all odds, and with faith and perseverance find out ways to achieve even the unattainable. They create logic and make new ways to reach their charismatic goals that once seemed deceitful and erroneous. 
With the coming falls, never forget that you have to get up and keep moving forward.    

About this blog

Keeping things simple, i would like to tell you about this blog, starting with an illustration. Imagine your life span to be just one day, and your goal is to scale an enormous mountain and reach the heights of it's peak. Your day starts at the bottom of this mountain, just like we start our endeavors in real life scenarios. 
We always have a few options to chose from. The first is, to prepare for the climb, carry a bag filled with food and water, just in case we need it whilst the climb, and then start scaling. The second option, is to cut out on all extra weight, and start the scaling with the pure intentions of getting up there as soon as possible, and then enjoy the views of the world. 
Both the choices seem to have their boons and banes, either enjoy the journey of life, and lose out on the views of success, as by the time you reach the top, the sun may have set on you. Or, you give your hundred percent, reach the top in time, to experience the skies, and miss out on the pleasures of a world below, whose contribution to the  views makes the climb all the more worth it. 
The choice we make depends on what we want in life. How important is it to reach the top of the world?
Are you going to waste all your time trying to live, or do you really want feel the heavens circle you, after reaching the summit ??