Thursday 21 April 2011

With the coming falls

The fact is, that when a person sets a goal, the reasons are not, or to be precise 'never' deduced with factors of logic, data and experience. All dreams and aspirations sound as deceitful as the trance we get into while asleep. 
These objectives are based on emotive and poignant events that occur in ones early life. These events provide strong ground for an individual to realize a true need of achievement, and then the goals are set. 
Most of them give up before giving it a single shot. Some 'try it out', but since there is no logical backing to the goals, they soon get disillusioned and drop the plan. A fewer group that realize the fallaciousness of it all, start evaluating ways to work on it, but along with this, make the mistake of creating backups for themselves. They end up working harder on the backups than on their dreams. 
A small valiant, stalwart group refrain themselves from backups, and get fueled by fervent attitudes and focus only on one solitary aim. These individuals withstand all odds, and with faith and perseverance find out ways to achieve even the unattainable. They create logic and make new ways to reach their charismatic goals that once seemed deceitful and erroneous. 
With the coming falls, never forget that you have to get up and keep moving forward.    

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