Thursday 12 September 2013

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi

What makes us different from the rest of the Lords' creations is the ability to choose. To look at it, all living organisms naturally choose between options, but we also choose between our thoughts.
Interesting as it may sound, we humans often choose everything.

We choose to believe in the unseen and we disregard hard known facts. We believe that throwing a bag full of flowers into a river will avert bad omens, yet we forget that the plastic bag carrying the flowers, in its' own right is a bad omen.

What matters is what we think and perceive from our surroundings. It is said that the mother of all sciences is psychology. Because what is hidden can only be perceived from what is apparent. What is astounding, is the fact that we don't have the same perceptions. Each man chooses or is guided to reach an end result that he would like to see.

Socretes the great philosopher coined in his texts an idol of a man. He said the a great man is one which has a Large Stomach, Long Nose and Large Ears. Sounds similar to the Ganesh idols we see these days don't you think? He explains in his text that a man with a large stomach is one that is a reservoir of secrets and knowledge. The long nose stands for a fully aware personality and the large ears demonstrate the man's ability to make sense out of abstract information. Now it sounds like a damn good software.

This is when it hits you, is it possible that Ganesh was literally made in this image of Socrates' Idea? India was conquered and ruled by Greeks and Macedonians that took Socrates, Plato and Aristotle very seriously, and a cultural influence is unavoidable. Jainism was born due to the overwhelming influence of Buddhism on main streem Hinduism, hence I feel it could be possible that a point of view about this idea got such obsessive support that it was made to be worshiped.

Hence this Ganesh Chaturthi, don't just look at the pretty idols that pass by. Remember that idea of Socrates' great man and like I said in the beginning - choose to be one as well.


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